we serve because
even in difficult times,
learning happens.
serving children nationwide
Children have limited life experiences making it difficult for them to find the resilience needed to manage the trauma.
Toxic stress can increase children’s future probability of chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, and cancer. Changes in the brain may lead to increased attention deficits, learning disabilities, anxiety, and self-regulation. [ace response]
Early intervention is key to forestalling the cumulative damages of long-term stress.
Join us in helping children who suffer loss, like these below.
you can helpchildren in out-of-home placement
There are approximately 369,000 children in the child welfare system nationwide. (AFCARS) The Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System reports thousands of kids are temporarily held in custody. Their experience, security, and education can be chaotic.
refugees and asylum-seekers
The U.S. is home to an estimated 3.3 million children who are refugees. Primary care providers, health professionals, social service workers, and community advocates need assistance to provide care and ease their transition into a new country. [NLM]
covid-19 and variants
Families lost loved ones. Psychology Today reports that the pandemic continues to have an ongoing negative impact on children’s communication, speech, and language skills. Early childhood development is jeopardized.
Your donations and gifts help children to develop self-esteem so they may have the opportunity for positive mental and physical health and wellness.